Sex Aliens (1987)

It's a steamy sex-search as Captain Candie Evans and her come-hither crew travel the universe to locate Prince Ron Jeremy - the last fertile male from a species of amorous aliens. Following him to a sex clinic on earth, Candie sends passionate probes Sheena Horne and Lorrie Lovitt to sniff out the prince and bring him back alive. And what a time these girls have "investigating" the male patients! They even get nurse Tish Ambrose into the fold for some intergalactic Sapphic sizzling! But when Ron refuses to go back to their home planet and fertilize all the females, Candie has a hard decision to make - should she stay or should she go? The answer ends up pleasing everyone and leads to an explosive finale
Sex Aliens (1987)
Starring: Candie Evens, Tish Ambrose, Lorrie Lovett, Sheena Horne, Blondi, Ron Jeremy, Tony Montana
Resolution: 640x480 Format: mp4 Size: 754.56 MB
Scene 1. Tish Ambrose, Ron Jeremy
Scene 2. Sheena Horne, Peter North
Scene 3. Sheena Horne, Ron Jeremy
Scene 4. Lorrie Lovett, Don Fernando
Scene 5. Blondi, Tish Ambrose, Tony Montana
Scene 6. Candie Evens, Frank James
Scene 7. Candie Evens, Ron Jeremy
Scene 8. Tish Ambrose
Vintage Full Movies