Oriental Jade (1985)

Oriental Jade (1985)
Starring: Kristara Barrington, Raven, Gina Valentino, Laurie Smith, Susan Hart, Chrissy Beauchamp, Trenna, Gabrielle Fabray, Jane Nichols, Harry Reems, Ron Jeremy, Sasha Gabor, Greg Rome, Blake Palmer, Miles Long, Aurora
Categories: Classic
Date Added: 1985
(758 Mb)
Shot on location in the South Seas, Oriental Jade is an epic tale of movie making Hollywood Style – and the wonton desires that blaze behind-the-scenes. At the center of the story is G.W. Hunter, the booze-loving screenwriter with a taste for Oriental erotica. His script is laced with plenty of steamy scenes, but most of the real action occurs offscreen and after hours. There's the hot actress with a taste for jungle love, the director who puts his all (among other things) into his work, and the writer's wife who discovers a very talented actor…and that's only part of the action. Featuring one of the most beautiful casts ever assembled, Oriental jade is an adult blockbuster that must be seen to be believed!
Scene 1. Jade Nichols, Sasha Gabor
Scene 2. Kristara Barrington, James Miles
Scene 3. Tess Ferre, Ron Jeremy
Scene 4. Kristara Barrington, Blake Palmer
Scene 5. Susan Hart, James Miles
Scene 6. Raven, Harry Reems
Scene 7. Kristara Barrington, Greg Rome
Scene 8. Gina Valentino, Ron Jeremy, Sasha Gabor
Scene 9. Tess Ferre, Gina Valentino, Aurora, Blake Palmer, Greg Rome
Scene 10. Gina Valentino, Laurie Smith
Scene 11. Laurie Smith, Blake Palmer
Scene 12. Aurora, James Miles
Scene 13. Gina Valentino, Greg Rome
Vintage Full Movies