Never Enough (1971)

Never Enough (1971)
Categories: Classic
Date Added: 1971
(688 Mb)
A journalist working with an economics magazine that has fallen on hard time decides to boost sales by doing an article about an award ceremony to honor the best female writer of an erotic novel. His research takes him into the intimate lives of three of the contestants, and he is delighted to find that their sensual abilities extend further than just writing about it. He is willingly seduced by all three and has the exhausting but erotic job of comparing their amorous appetite in his report. His girlfriend has been secretly watching all this and is decidedly jealous but she has a plan to surprise him. The journalist, weak but still trying after suffering the consequences of such intense sexual assaults has unfortunately come to the realization that he will never be able to explain on paper why these girls write such sensually stimulating books. It all comes to a head at the award banquet when in a shocking surprise, an amateur wins first prize, a writer who just happens to be his girlfriend who has written a book about his exploits!

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