Private Schoolgirls (1983)

Private Schoolgirls (1983)
Starring: Sharon Kane, Shauna Grant, Tish Ambrose
Categories: Classic
Date Added: 1983
(788 Mb)
Shot back to back with Roberta Findlay’s glossy yet routine GLITTER, there seems to be some confusion as to the authorship of this enjoyably silly erotic romp. Though one or two sources have credited the film to “Robert Walters” (a Findlay pseudonym and I’m guessing she was the probable perpetrator), the on screen credit’s for the mysterious yet fairly prolific “J. Angel Martine”, presumably another of Roberta’s noms de porn, first hailed by genre press during the mid-’70s as being a renowned French adult filmmaker ! For once, the IMDb even adds to the mix-up as I don’t know where they got the John Christopher credit from, though the material was certainly up this particular director’s alley. Findlay definitely worked on this movie in the capacity of cinematographer though, delivering her usual professional job on what must have been a meager budget.
Scene 1. Shauna Grant, Dan Stephens
Scene 2. Tara Aire, Michael Knight
Scene 3. Athena Star, Ashley Moore
Scene 4. Hillary Summers, Ashley Moore
Scene 5. Sharon Kane, Michael Bruce
Scene 6. Tish Ambrose, Ron Hunter
Scene 7. Shauna Grant, Dick Howard

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