Highway Hookers (1975)
Highway Hookers (1975)
Starring: Linda Lovemore, Angel Barrett, Cheryl White
Categories: Classic
Date Added: 1975
(718 Mb)
In the mid-70s, the macho attitude and appearance of Truckers were popular in movies and culture, but equally popular was the Feminist movement. Combining the two was a sure-fire way to make a hit movie. Enter Highway Hookers featuring the Mother Truckers, a band of hard working (and hard sucking) women who decide to take on the male-dominated world of the tow truck industry. But, since the girls are willing to trade sexual favors for company solvency, the competition just don't seem to care!
Hands down this movie has a couple of THE best blowjob scenes ever caught on celluloid.
Scene 1. Linda Lovemore, Roger Caine
Scene 2. Lorraine Alraune, Bruce Brown, Eric Edwards, Leo Lovemore
Scene 3. Bree Anthony, Tony Richards
Scene 4. Cheryl White, Janet Slade
Scene 5. Angel Barrett, Cheryl White, Eric Edwards
Scene 6. Linda Lovemore, Ashley Moore
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